Sunday, September 7, 2008


I had a fun start to the day! We had a amazing guest singer at church. His name is Dennis Jernigan. Then I came home and watch the STEELERS play the Texans and at pizza with all the family the hole kitten caboodle. Then we started watching the Dallas browns game & we say Joel in the family room & he has a big blow up bat he got at the fair so he was running in the kitchen trying to get through to the other room when all of a sudden we heard a big boom then Joel crying. Tj went up to Joel & said are you ok & touched his face before he looked at him& he saw blood on his hand then he looked at joel & there was blood all over his face. It was so scary. so Tj wiped him up while I got ready to go to the emergency room. Joel had a gash about a 1/2inch to a inch long on his forehead. I knew by looking at it he needed stitches.
We arrived at Boardman St. Elizabeth's hospital at 4:30 and left at 7:00. instead of stitches they used a glue. The doctor said they use the glue more than giving stitches due to the pain of the needle & holding the kids down. We thanked of Lord & Savior for protecting Joel cause he injury could of been worse. Any way Joel came home and acted like his normal self. He was so good in the emergency room. He didn't even cry or fuss. I know we will have a better day tomorrow. Joel has a big goose egg on his head


Elizabeth said...

WOW! Poor guy! I'm glad that there was nothing more than a little gash.

And Dennis Jernigan was there? We have some of his music. I wish we had known he was comin', we would have tried to be there. I bet it was an awesome worship service.

Elizabeth said...

BTW...I'm glad you've been blogging.